If you want a intruder picture for iPod app. You can download it here. More and more security features are added to our apple devices due to rampant snatching and thieves roaming our surroundings. This is a must for every iPod user.
Picture Safe (HiDef) -No#1 Privacy App. - collect3 - This is an application great for anti snooping and anti thief. This was primary created for the safe keeping of files of your iPod. It allows you manage your files like photos, documents, videos etc. It also allows you to protect these files by creating password protected forlders where you can save them. One of the most useful feature of this application is it allows you to take intruder picture for iPod. You will be notify from your email the photos, time,date and location of the thief.

Secret Folder Pro - 24/7 apps - Secret Folder protects your photos and videos from intruders.
It take snapshots of intruders / thieves and send break-in attempts to your email with picture of intruder and location.

Up to date these two are great apps for your iPod for taking pictures of intruders.
If you want more far from spying on photos
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