Monday, March 5, 2012


What is Cydia?  In this short article you learn what is cydia and what are apps can be found in the cydia repositories.

Cydia (read / sɪdi.ə /) is a software application for iOS that allows a user to find and install software packages (including applications, interface customizations and extensions of the system) on a jailbroken iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. Cydia is the leading independent third-party platform for digital distribution of IOS software Most software available via Cydia are free, and it also includes several hundred packets for sale through the Cydia Store payment system with a commission similar configuration to the App Store. Most of these packages focus on providing customizations and modifications (often called "tweaks") that can run on jailbroken devices (from the App Store is limited to the distribution of standalone applications).

Cydia is a graphical frontend for Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) and the package management system dpkg, which means that the packages available in Cydia are provided by a decentralized system of deposit (also called sources) that the list of packages.

Cydia is developed by Jay Freeman (also called "Saurik") and his company, SaurikIT The name "Cydia" is an allusion to the codling moth, with a scientific name of Cydia pomonella, which is the proverbial "worm in the apple.

Some packages available through Cydia are basic applications, but most packages are extensions and modifications of the IOS interface for applications and the system in IOS. Because these software run on jailbroken devices, they can provide functionality beyond the scope of normal applications, such as system-wide changes to the user interface, new features included in existing applications, customizations action buttons, extensions of network behavior, and other "tweaks" of the system. Users install these purposes, including personalization and customization of the interface by adding desired features and fixing problems and doing development work on the device easier by providing access to the file system and command-line tools. Most of the packages available through Cydia are written by independent developers.

Popular packages include Winterboard in Cydia (which allows users to "skin" IOS Interface and application icons with themes), MyWi (enable wireless tethering)SBSettings (parameters and access controls with a gesture),  Barrel (stylize the animated transition between pages SpringBoard),  and DisplayOut (display screen on a TV or a monitor connected).  many extensions available via Cydia are based on a framework called MobileSubstrate developed by Freeman, which makes the process of writing and maintaining system changes easier. 

Source:  wikipedia

Aside from modification made in the system.  You can install application for spy purposes.  After you jailbreak you can proceed to installing these spy applications.

Click here for these: Cydia spy apps 2012

Back to:  iPhone spyware


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